Simple hosting of static websites

Register on

You need a webserver to host your static web pages? offers for free:

  • 1 GB of storage for your website
  • a subdomain of such as https://[your-pseudo]
  • the possibility to use your personal domain name.
  • a TLS certificate for https protocol
  • an optional automatic tool to serve your markdown files into a smolweb site

Send account details

There is no registration form, you have to ask a new account by email at adele (at) pollux (dot) casa

  • the pseudo you wish to use composed with only lowercase ascii letters (a-z), digits (0 to 9) and dash (-), starting with a letter. It will be used as subdomain of : 
  • your personal domain name if you have one. It is not necessary if is OK for you.
  • your public ssh key if any.
  • your email address. It must be the same that you use to send this mail.

I will send you back all information to connect through SFTP or FTP over TLS.

Here is my OpenPGP key for my email, if you want to encrypt your email.

Optional personal domain name

It is not necessary to use a personal domain and you can freely use https://[your-pseudo]

However, if you really want to use you own domain name, you have to buy it to a DNS registrar.

Here is the record you have to put in your DNS zone if your domain is yourdomain.tld:

yourdomain.tld. 3600 IN A
yourdomain.tld. 3600 IN AAAA 2001:41d0:1008:23a5::1

or just a subdomain:

blog.yourdomain.tld. 3600 IN A
blog.yourdomain.tld. 3600 IN AAAA 2001:41d0:1008:23a5::1

When your DNS changes are effective, let me know, I need to set up the web server and generate a TLS certificate.

Note that https://yourdomain.tld/ (or https://blog.yourdomain.tld/) will serve the same files as 

Emails are not managed by, neither for nor yourdomain.tld.
Migadu, Mailbox, Fastmail, or Proton can manage your emails for your personal domain.

Charter and policy

This service is offered freely without service guarantee. However, this service will be supplied in accordance to the Charter of CHATONS.

CHATONS is a collective of independant, transparent, open, neutral and ethical hosters providing FLOSS-based online services.

Manifesto of CHATONSCharter of CHATONS is not an official entity so, it cannot officially be member of CHATONS.

I’m French and lives in France, so French laws will be applied to this service. An account can be closed if put other sites into danger or if it does not respect the French laws. is not the author of the content hosted on this platform, the account subscriber is responsible for  the content he/she publishes. This service do not have to be used to share huge files or to backup your files.

Technical information uses a small dedicated server in an OVH datacenter in North of France.

  • Processor: Intel ATOM N2800 - 2c/4t - 1.86 GHz
  • RAM: 4GB 1066 MHz
  • Disk: 2×2 To HDD SATA in soft RAID 1
  • Internet bandwidth: 100 Mb/s
  • Operating system: Debian 12
  • Web server: lighttpd with simple vhost module (no CGI, no PHP, no nodejs, no database…)
  • File transfer: SFTP on port 22 with ssh certificate or login/password, and FTP over TLS on port 21
  • Space available for each account : 1 GB limited to 5000 files

No external backup, because static sites are managed locally by their author, so it should be easy to upload sites from their sources.

When connecting with to your space through SFTP or FTP, you have this structure:

  • an account.txt file resuming information about your account (read only file).
  • a quota_info.txt file updated every hour, giving the size of your website.
  • a hidden .ssh directory (and a visible ssh link to it) containing an authorized_keys file. You can add new ssh public keys in it.
  • an htdocs directory containing your pages, it is the “root” of your website.
  • a markdown directory to put your markdown (.md) files and build a smolweb site accessible with the url :
  • a hidden .markdown_cache directory containing a converted to html version of your markdown files. It is protected and used by the server, do not remove it!

You are not allowed to create other files or directories at the root of your space.

See the How-To articles for more information.