Simple hosting of static websites

Welcome on

This platform is dedicated to host static websites. If you have a smolweb site, crafted by hand, or generated by a static site generator such as Publii, Hugo, Pelican or another tool. If you don’t want to manage a server, you can register on to get 1 GB of disk space, a subdomain and its SSL certificate (https). It is also possible to use your own domain name.

Connect With Filezilla

To transfer your HTML pages or your Markdown files on, you can use FileZilla. If you use a GNU/Linux, this application is certaintly in your packages manager. Create a new connection in the site manager and choose these parameters. You can use FTP/TLS or SFTP FTP over TLS SFTP with a password without ssh keys SFTP with ssh keys First, import your SSH private key in FileZilla from the menu Edit > Settings > page Connection > SFTP Read more...

Publish markdown files easily

howto includes a smolmd module permitting to render markdown files in a smolweb site format. On your server space (via FTP/SFTP), you have access to a markdown folder containing a sample of smolweb site writen in markdown files. You can modify them. Files in the markdown folder are accessible through the md subfolder of the main URL of your site : Detail of markdown folder markdown ├── ├── _header. Read more...
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